The Internal Revenue Service requires companies that process payments for independent contractors to report all of their earnings and issue a 1099 if they’ve earned $600 or more in a calendar year.
Once you’ve made enough income to warrant a form, we follow these steps to get you your 1099 form:
One of the big pluses of using Payable is you can easily add your form delivery preference. Companies are required by the IRS to obtain consent from the form recipient that they prefer e-delivery, or else the default is paper delivery.
That’s all there is to it! Using our system makes tax season easy, automatic, and secure, something that isn’t often the case for professionals in the creative industry!
International Users
Currently, this is not a feature we offer to international users. You are responsible for reporting your income in the format required of your country of residence. Resonance does not report income made on our platform to users living outside of the US. We only provide tax documentation to US citizens as required by Federal and State Laws. This is something we will be looking into for the future!
Thank you for using Resonance!